Thank you for your interest in receiving spiritual guidance at the Siena Retreat Center! Our guides are committed to offering an intentional and sacred space for you to engage more deeply in your spiritual life, whether in an ongoing relationship or while you are physically present for a private retreat. Spiritual guides hold space for you to recognize, name, and savor the Divine Presence within the concrete particulars of your life, and to discern and explore how you are being invited to respond.

The Siena Retreat Center seeks to recommend a spiritual guide that is a good fit for you, so we ask you to share some information about yourself.  Please submit your request for a guide at least two business days prior to wanting to meet.  Only those fields marked as required are such, but the more information you are willing to share, the more we have to work with in the referral process. Please know that this information will only be shared with those involved in the referral process, including the guide that you will be paired with.