The Power of Friendship: You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

Friday, July 18, to Sunday, July 20, 2025
Facilitator(s): Mark Nepo

$375 - includes overnight accommodations and meals ($180 commuter rate)

decorative image summarizing a spiritual retreat with Mark Nepo in Racine, Wisconsin


Friendship is indispensable. We may discover our dearest friends in the dark labyrinth of seeking truth together. Or, in a moment of feeling vulnerable, we may feel safe in the care of some trusted other. We often come upon our deepest friends when taking the long way home, when forced to put down our differences, when humbled to admit that we haven’t a clue where we’re going or how to get there. In the raw and tender space of such honesty, the net of friendship is woven. In fact, the root of the word friendship means “place of high safety.”

This retreat will center on Mark Nepo’s new book, You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship. Our time together will explore the gift and spirit of friendship. We will look closely at the discovery of our kinship, the nature of friendship, the inevitable trials by which our bond is strengthened or broken, the acceptance of our humanness, and the conduit that lasting friendship becomes to the larger forces of life.

Dates and Details
Friday, July 18, to Sunday, July 20, 2025
This retreat begins on Friday at 7:00 pm and concludes with the noon meal on Sunday.
The cost of this retreat is $375, which includes overnight accommodations and meals.
A commuter rate is available at $180, which does not include accommodations or breakfast (lunch and dinner included)

Participants are asked to bring a journal. Journals are also available for purchase in the Bookstore.

Registration Information
You may register and pay online by clicking the yellow “Register Here” button above, by calling the front desk at 262-898-2590 with a credit card number, or by mailing a check made out to Siena Retreat Center.” Payment must be received to complete registration. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for our additional helpful information.

Partial scholarships are available. Please contact Claire at (262) 898-2588 to arrange for a partial scholarship.

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About the Facilitators

Mark NepoMark Nepo

Mark Nepo is a poet and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Book of Awakening. Beloved as a teacher and storyteller, Mark has been called “an impassioned seeker” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.” His works have been translated into more than twenty languages. Mark has published 26 books and recorded 15 audio projects, including his newest work You Don't Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship. He was part of Oprah Winfrey’s “The Life You Want” Tour in 2014 and has appeared several times with Oprah on her “Super Soul Sunday” program.