Celebrating Spirit: Create an Earth Day Windsock

Tuesday, April 22, 2025; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Facilitator(s): Cookie Anderson, Vicky Curtiss

$30 - includes supplies

an Earth Day retreat making a windsock south of Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Celebrate Earth Day and the gift of the Spirit by creating a windsock you can take home. Each windsock will be made of decorative ribbons. With the guidance of Cookie Anderson. After making our windsocks, Vicky Curtiss will lead a ritual of  gratitude for the gift of the wind and of the Spirit.

Dates and Details
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
10:00am – 12:00pm
The cost of this retreat is $30, which includes supplies

Registration Information
You may register and pay online by clicking the yellow “Register Here” button above, by calling the front desk at 262-898-2590 with a credit card number, or by mailing a check made out to Siena Retreat Center.” Payment must be received to complete registration. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for our cancellation policies and other helpful information.

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About the Facilitators

Cookie AndersonCookie Anderson

Cookie Anderson has been folding peace cranes for 50 years. She has a goal of making 100,000 peace cranes, or 100 bunches of 1,000 paper cranes each. To date, Cookie has completed 94 bunches and recently gifted Siena Retreat Center with 1,000 peace cranes. Cookie is active in the Good Earth Church of the Divine in East Troy, Wisconsin.  

Vicky CurtissVicky Curtiss

Vicky Curtiss is the Program Director for Siena Retreat Center, which involves leading retreats, arranging for programs, and offering spiritual guidance.  She has an M. Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for forty years as an ordained clergy in the roles of pastor, spiritual director, and presbytery executive. She has also been the director of three faith-based non-profit organizations. Vicky has been trained as a spiritual director, SoulCollage® facilitator, labyrinth facilitator, grief support companion, and grief coach. Vicky also been a consultant to many organizations for envisioning and discernment which she included in a booklet she authored called "Guidelines for Communal Discernment." Vicky loves reading, theater, quilting, being in nature, and engaging in anti-racism work.